Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We are Such Proud Parents!

We have 2 girls!!  On Friday, Fluffy delivered her first, small but perfectly formed, beautiful light green egg.  Our spring gift!  Still not sure about the other bird - hen or rooster we have now wondered for 5 months - we waited.

Yesterday morning I checked the nesting boxes around 11 a.m. and found another beautiful light green egg that was still warm.  Again, Fluffy seemed to be the deliverer.  But all day the girls hung out up in their boxes and were very quiet, which is unusual for them.  Around 4, Dennis heard the same squawking and carrying on he heard on Friday when he discovered the first egg.  He peaked in the boxes, and sure enough there it was - a pale pink egg laid by Amelia.  

Fluffy's 2nd Green Egg (top), Amelia's 1st Pink Egg

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