Thursday, April 21, 2011

Five Months Old . . . When Will We See An Egg??

A quick chicken update . . .

As you can see the girls(?) are getting big!  As Fluffy and Amelia (thinking positively here that both are girls) have grown over the last 5 months, they have developed into completely different looking birds.  Fluffy has stayed true to her name, developing soft fluffy feathers on her cheeks and jowl.  Amelia is much more chicken-looking, with a fully developed comb and wattle.  This definitely concerned us at first.  But, on a recent trip to Halter Ranch in Paso Robles, we thoroughly studied their flock of about 30 hens. We decided that Amelia would fit right in, and we came away believing she will indeed lay not crow.

As our girls have grown up they are full of personality, and you can hear Fluffy squawking from half a block away!  They love most greens and will gobble down a tangerine faster than you can blink.  We eagerly check the nesting boxes twice a day, but no eggs yet . . .

Enjoy the pictures. I will post again when we get our first egg!

Amelia at 31/2 months

Peaking out of the door of the coop

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