Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Year Update - The Chicks are Growing Up!

Wow, it has been a long time since a chick update!  Rather than going into all of the lengthy details of their lives since the last post, I am going to post a few pictures to document their development.

They had their first adventure outside of their coop in early January when the coop got its first thorough cleaning since being occupied in late November.  Though a little freaked at first, Fluffy and "A" adapted to the temporary cage and enjoyed their first sun experience.

As you can see, Fluffy and "A" look dramatically different from one another.  Fluffy, appropriately named, is the fatter one in front, above, with the fluffy feathers on her cheeks.  Here's a closeup of those fluffy cheeks as she eyes some fresh kale.

"A," short for Amelia (or would Amelio be more appropriate??), is leaner with a more developed comb.  Many bets are on whether she is really a he, but the feed store owner told me until it either crows or lays we simply won't know . . .  Here's a picture.  Feel free to wager your own bet!

We are excitedly anticipating finding the first egg within a few weeks.  Stay tuned!

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