Monday, November 22, 2010

The Chicks Are Ten Days Old!

Our chicks seem to have settled nicely into their penthouse suite in the garage, and we have settled into chicken parenthood.  In just the week that we've had them they have nearly doubled in size.  They didn't want to stand up and pose for a picture (since it is way to cozy snuggled up next to the heat light), but you can see that their wing and tail feathers are coming in.

Since everyone asks about names, I will note that only 1 of the 2 chicks has an official name at the moment.  The smaller of the 2 (on the right in the above picture), who managed to jump out of the storage drawer twice the first day we had her, has earned the name Amelia Egghart for being a fearless adventurer and not a bad flyer.  The other chick has not been named yet.  We are concerned, because she is quite a bit bigger than Amelia and has different coloring on her beak and feet, that she is in fact a he.  We are waiting another few weeks for sex to become more evident before deciding on a name.  My 3-year-old niece has proposed Chickee Pie, but I have a feeling this hen may grow out of that name rather quickly!  So, we are open to other name suggestions, should anyone have one . . .

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